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Thursday, 28 October 2010


Yeah, I finally got my phone to stop importing 100 random pictures, and that is good. Here's a few pictures.

My awesome eye

Steffy and Nat

Nat and I, ugly jacket eh?

Notice it says "Emi <3". I know I suck, haha.

My brother is Darth Vader.

I had my feet on Hanna's legs and she posed for the camera.

Hanna's and my feet. Guess which feet are mine?

Hanna's, Diana's and my feet.

Star made by Hanna, Diana and me.

Triangle by same people as above.

This cracked us up so badly, 'cause it's so random! Yes, it's a real parrot.

What would you call this?

Oh God, the parrot was /so/ funny. We all freaked out and almost fell to our knees laughing. You don't see live parrots by the bus station every day.

~x Emi x~